Variable dimensions, 8 shelving units each: 72 x 84 x 12 inches
Slide Library is a room-sized installation of Athenaeum-like shelves filled with over 1,500 small hand-blown glass plates. Despite the growing number of glass “slides,” their transparency alongside the whiteness of the shelves creates a first impression of empty shelves, of nothingness. Closer inspection reveals projections through the glass indicating the subtle markings of warbles, scars, optic striations, dust, and cracks within each glass plate; evidence of process and action. Practical and obscure data is collected in conjunction with the making of each glass slide. This information is compiled into reference notebooks. The idiosyncratic systems of recording highlight subtle shifts in material, leaving visitors to make their own associations, whether they are logical or random.
Exhibition History
Rejmyre Matters III
(solo show),
Galleri Engelska Magasinet, Rejmyre, Sweden.
Curator: Sissi Westerberg & Veronica Wiman.
Lo! A Collection of Secreted Tales and Objects of Wonder
(group show),
Museum of Small Finds, Pawtucket, RI.
Curator: Lauren Holt & Ken Linehan.
20 Years On
(group show),
Ebeltoft Museum, Ebeltoft, Denmark.
Curator: Elizabetn Swineburn.